I started heading towards my room, and she followed me. A bunch of people, especially from the hotel service, watched as we started climbing the stairs. She noticed that.

- You are quite famous - she said.

- They know I'm from behind the portal, and probably they also know you are a hooker.

- Hey! I'm not a hooker. I'm an escort.

- Is there a difference?

- Yes. Escorts go with successful and wealthy people. Are you successful and wealthy, Peter?

- Nope.

- Ok, then I guess I'm a hooker - she gave up.

It made me smile, and I even turned around, to see her expression. She was also happy with her little joke.

- He, if you are broke, then who is paying for this place? It's the TV station, isn't it? By the way, the news of you guys on Jason King's show is everywhere.

- I never said I'm broke. I have some money, and I think it's the CIA who is paying for this place actually.