I woke up very early. So early, that sun was barely peeking over the horizon. Samantha was in my bed, sleeping. She looked gorgeous naked in the white sheets, but I still sneaked my way out to not wake her up and went to take a shower.

Dressed, I returned to the room and sat down on the sofa. I spent a moment looking at the wall in front of me and thinking about what was going to happen next. I needed to make those fuckers understand messing with me is not gonna work, but I also couldn't allow myself to go overboard.

Why? Because this was the land of my friends. The place where their families lived.

Life became hard lately. I felt like a single gearwheel in a gigantic machine that was working, while still being built, and crashed every element that malfunctioned, or didn't synchronize with the rest. The machine of chaos.