I immediately tried a piece of my salmon, since I was very hungry. It was very fancy looking on the plate,w it the drops of the source, and some green stuff, but just a peak on her chicken tikka masala was enough to make me sure I should have gone with the same instead. Unfortunately for me, it was too late for a change.

Normally I would probably devour the food, but since I didn't want to make a fool out of myself, I kept my manners.

- So, what's next for you? - Sudarshana restarted the conversation. - You know my plans for the future, but you didn't share yours with me.

- I did. I need to finish the house for my mother, then I will probably build one in Poland. I also need to watch over Tihana. 

- So no grand hunting? No deals with countries around the world, nothing like that? I thought you guys all were mad about getting stronger and stronger.

- I'm strong enough for now. Maybe I will help Marcella a bit.