It was a day before the filming, and we had it free for preparation since the girls actually didn't have proper clothes to appear on TV.

They vanished early, so I and Vikram Kaur were left alone. I probably wouldn't even know, if not for Tihana who popped into my room, to ask for some money. I just gave her my card.

My assistant tried to get me outside, to see the city, but I didn't want to. I could do this with a nice girl, my mother or Tihana and Ki'ray, but not with another dude.

Instead, we went to the hotel terrace, to enjoy a cup of coffee and a piece of cake while listening to the sound of the sea.

It was a lovely place with small squared tables, and chairs, all black. Not too big, surrounded by a short wall, with plants. You could hear the seagulls crying in the distance. Some of them even were circling above us.

- Maybe we should join them? I could call the driver - proposed Vikram.