Day MCMXCV, part IV

- And we are done - shouted the director. - Thank you, everybody.

- Woh - Mahinder exhaled. - Thank you for joining me today.

He smiled and stood up, to shake everybody's hand. We did the same. The shoot was done. Vikram Kaur showed on the set almost immediately.

- Time for us, guys - ha said and started rushing everybody out.

It was actually smart as even when we were living, people stormed us, with questions, and asking for photos with Ki'rai. We evacuated on time though, and then left the premises of the studio to go straight to the hotel.

Reporters were occupying our way out, trying to block the gate, but our fierce driver just kept going, using the horn like a madman, and scared them off.

There was a bit of annoying action with them even after we passed through, as they tried to chaise us, taking photos, but eventually, we lost them in the crowded city, full of traffic and cars.