I woke up next to Sudarshana after just a couple of hours of sleep. For me it was normal. I wasn't tired at all, but she was completely passed out.

She looked gorgeous in white sheets, contrasting with her brown skin.

I watched her for a couple of minutes, before I sneaked out of the bed, to dress quietly, and then to leave the room. I wanted to get breakfast for us, without waking her up. I did just that and then returned.

I spent another moment looking at her, and then finally focused on the work that I abandoned on the previous day. It was surprisingly easy to pick up since I felt so relaxed.

She woke up when the room service knocked on the door. As she stretched in the bedsheets, I went to open up and took trays filled with plates and glasses, one by one, to put them on the table.

- Good morning - she said to me, as I returned from the last trip, and it was finally just us.

- Hey. Did you sleep well?