Day MMXLIV, part II

It took Will quite a few hours to make a contact with me. It was past midday when he finally contacted me.

- Where are you, Peter? - he just asked through coin out of the blue.

- Pub - I replied shortly.

- Ok, I'll be there in a minute. Don't go anywhere.

- Ok - I agreed.

I wasn't planning to leave, since I just got a fresh mug full of beer to finish. I drunk it casually, but with clear intent to finish, while just eavesdropping on those few, who were inside, drowning their sorrows in alcohol at such an early hour.

Will finally joined me, when I was halfway done.

- Hey - he said, as he just dropped on the chair on the other side of my table. - Everything is ready, but before we start I need to make sure you will know what to do.

I rose my eyebrows in a silent question. I noticed he was wearing his combat clothes. A sturdy kevlar jacket with shoulder pads and metal bracers on his forearms. Everything painted dark.