Day MMXLIV, part III

I just started heading towards the lair entrance, since the last giants were being finished off by my friends, and there was actually nothing for me to flex on. They picked up the stones, but since nobody had where to put them, I ended up giving people a hand and utilizing my vault, which stopped me for a moment.

My ability earned me few praises from the guests, as they were being led by Will to the cave. Those who engaged in close combat and me were a bit closer though, so we still managed to get there first.

I sent a bunch of firebirds ahead, so we could actually see everything that was awaiting us deeper.

- Wow, that was cool. Are you a fire mage? - asked Russ.

- Nope... Well... Kinda, but still nope - I replied confusing the shit out of him.

Nil just facepalmed, and then shook his head.

- What? - I asked him. - I'm not really a mage... But I can do some stuff.

- That means you are a mage - he pointed out.