Day MMCXXII, part I

The day came, and I woke up in the middle of the night, minutes after midnight. Since it was so early, I just decided to write a bit, then I took a shower, called room service, and went down for a breakfast.

I barely managed to order, before Adam Silvas showed up himself.

- Might I join you? - he asked.

I just nodded.

- Did you see yesterday's match between our guys, and yours? - he asked again.

- Yes, I did. It was very entertaining.

- I thought the same. The one guy, Urho was it? He really surprised me. I didn't expect him to be this strong.

- It was a fight of failed expectations from both sides. I think both Mbeki and Andy could do better if they didn't lose focus.

- If our guys wouldn't think so little of yours, then the fight would be shorter. Trust me. Valentin is very strong, but he underestimated the bear guy.

I shrugged my shoulders.

- Well... We will never know.