Day MMCXXII, part II

In the first few moments, everybody was quite surprised because of the sudden change of the surroundings, despite the fact that they literally knew it was going to happen. My friends, on the other hand, just went straight to the bunker. The rest have me few nods of appreciation.

The agents assigned to the people were in the most shock, as for them the 'supernatural' things were still kinda new.

The day was very hot. You could see the air moving over the desert sand, so I faked a smile or two, grabbed Vikram who was about to publicly announce that I'm just simply awesome, and went to the stairs, leading underground.

The air was a bit cooler there, but in the rooms, it was even better. There was a guy, who tried to lead me to mine, but I just told him that I know the way, since I already have been there. Besides, there was my name and team number on the freaking door, so even without such knowledge finding the right door wasn't rocket science.