He climbed his way to the arena. He looked the same as I remembered him, long black, knitted sweater, open in the front, an old, white T-shirt with holes in it, black shorts, slippers, and obviously sunglasses. But this time he had a constant smirk present on his face. It was like another accessory.

- Good afternoon - he said to me when he finally stopped in front of my face, completely ignoring the audience, and the music finally was cut off.

There were a dozen steps between us, but It felt very close.

- Hi - I replied.

- You saw what I can do, and I know what you can do - he continued. - I know about your army of shadows. How about we check whose army is stronger?

I shrugged my shoulders, which made his smile even bigger, and he showed the fangs.

- I will need some more space, so how about we both move a bit further back? - he asked.