Day MMCXXII, part IV

The second hand pierced through sand, spraying tons of it into the air, and fall down causing another earthquake, as finally the horned head of Moloch got revealed, its horns, and sharp teeth. The monster growled, causing the earth to vibrate, and the ground to shake.

Some of the drones started to malfunction from the vibration. A couple of even fell down, crashing on the ground.

He observed the scene in shock, just like the audience.

This was an opportunity I just couldn't ignore, so I pulled my pudao out of the vault and rushed forward to join my troops.

With few swings, I decimated the frontline, and made it deeper, creating an opening for the fiends. They followed, but quickly got cut off from me, be the undead who blocked their path, trying to surround me. I kept pushing as Gavriil's soldiers were too weak to stop me until they weren't. A tall man with a giant claymore attacked me, bringing his blade down from above.