Boris stopped in front of the alien, and just simply swing at it. It avoided with ease and jabbed a few times with the daggers, but the human blocked it all with his shield. The creature then moved to the side, to change the angle of its attack, but it didn't work.
Boris just easily followed with a simple turn and blocked the incoming cuts.
This caused the alien to circle around him, swinging from time to time, looking for an opening, but there simply wasn't any. Even I couldn't see anything, and from what I saw the creature was slower than me. It also lacked the power of the goliath that gave both Martin and Gavriil a hard time.
It was quite understandable. This thing was sent there just to take down Adam. Zor'xal changed his tactic and was now picking the most optimal opponents to take our fighters down. The numbers were on his side, and he didn't care for casualties, as we did.