Day MMCXXXIV, part V

Boris just had to know something that all of us missed. There was so much confidence in the way he fought, but also I had this feeling like he knew the trick this stick creature had hidden in its sleeves.

The chase went on for a few minutes which made the fight quite boring since there was no action. I started glancing from time to time at Ashal Kal Anur and Zor'xal to see their reaction. Although I wasn't sure, I felt like there should be some kind of intervention on their side, if it was to continue like this.

The alien just kept running away, while Boris was adamant about closing the distance, but also wasn't rushing, to waste energy.

I wasn't wrong, but it took half an hour more. The imperial official rose his hand and then spoke something, which was broadcasted all over the arena and through the holoprojections.

- Participant Boris is was confirmed a winner of the match, due to his opponent's cowardness.