- After all the talking about preventing war, you do this? - asked Nil immediately after we landed. - You could just take us here, and there would be no problem.

- If you are concerned about war, rest assured - Katri Xel Avakadaisu butted in before I was able to say a thing. - What the emperor wanted, was to attack us, not start a war. He can't do that. You are an unofficial part of the empire now. Any conflict among the factions needs to be approved by the High Queen herself. I believe your reaction was correct. They would attack us anyway. They just needed to gather forces. Although moving here and avoiding the whole thing would be the best solution, it was still a pleasure to watch how you crushed them.

A slight smile appeared on her face.

- You knew that, right? - Will asked me.

- Of course, I did - I lied.