It was an obvious start to a war. Anybody could tell that just by looking at the city-size airships with smaller vessels surrounding them like a swarm of mosquitos. What we didn't expect was the quick and abrupt end of the conflict.

With a flash of light different fleet appeared. The ships were probably even bigger. They looked like gigantic blue crystals, which could easily work as a whole mountain, surrounded by multiple rings of metal placed on different levels, slowly rotating in different directions. That's how they looked like.

Katri Xel Avakadaisu jumped from her seat.

- Yes! - she shouted loud and clear.

- What the hell is going on? - Adam asked her.

- Those ships belong to Sabhetani. It's Ashal Kal Anur's work. I'm sure of it. They won't allow Zor'xal to do anything.

- What if he still tries? This planet will become a battleground and get completely destroyed - Gavriil pointed out, as worry was not leaving his mind.