Day UNKNOWN: Getting rid of the rust

I started my day with an early visit from Druoag. He even brought some food. on a massive plate, covered by a silver lid - which I found quite funny.

- It's better to start training early - he said, as soon as I opened the door.

Then he just moved forward, forcing me to step back and make some space. He practically had to crawl through the door, but somehow he made it inside. Because the ceiling was not placed high enough, he couldn't even stand up.

- Maybe this wasn't the best idea - he confessed. - I wanted to eat together, and talk about what we will be doing, but maybe you should eat by yourself, and then come to the arena. We will talk there.

- Y-yeah...

He then gave me the plate and crawled back. The three Atri saw the whole scene and barely could hold their laughs. Since there was plenty of food, I just placed everything on the closest table and invited them with a gesture to join me.