Day UNKNOWN: Favour

Around two weeks passed on the training. With the promised weapon, we shifted the priorities a bit, and Druoag did his best to imitate the fighting styles of both Na'Tikki and Vazasse. In the case of Sevva, Yagg came to help, and with a lot of pleasure, happily blasted me across the arena over and over, using his powers.

I tried my best to be conscious about the moves I made, to stop making mistakes, but with more intense battles it was quite a hard task, so there were some slipups. 

Even after all this time, there was still no information about my first fight, but here actually the time worked for me, as I wasn't ready to face any of the three.

I spent a lot of time with my new trainer, and I utilized it to get closer to him, make him like me, as I needed to get some information about Earth's whereabouts.