Days UNKNOWN: The Clash Of Titans, part I

The three of us appeared in the middle of barren land. Up above was a star, shining brightly, making the surface of the planet quite hot.

I immediately noticed the signs of a past battle, that had to transpire there. The landscape was broken, with deep crevasses, wounds, exposing the depths of the astral body. I saw naked mountains around, partially crumbled down and turned into piles of rock.

As I observed them, on the horizon, I noticed something. We were in a massive hole in the round. So big that it was almost impossible to notice.

- This place used to be a desert - said The Great One since he noticed I was looking around. - But when I and Ixa clashed here, all the sand was blown away, and the bare rocks were exposed. Then they got destroyed too. Those mountains, they weren't mountains before.

- A true wasteland - said Druoag.

- Yes - The Great One agreed. - But let us remain focused, as the danger is near.