Days UNKNOWN: The Clash Of Titans, part II

The smile got wiped out very quickly, though. She pushed with the wave of her psychic powers, making The Great One lose some of the ground. The sheer pressure of two will's colliding created this wave, moving slightly back and forth, with the initiative on the Ixa's side, which was destroying the outer shell of the planet in a more or less straight line.

I noticed that we were being pushed back, and decided to intervene before it would escalate out of hand. I slammed it with my own force, slightly from an angle, which made her attention switch to me once again. The effect was good, as her advance stopped, but she also attacked me with a concentrated beam of force.

It didn't really look like anything, a sear pressure, making the air trapped in the turbulence move like crazy, which made the light create a shimmering effect. It was so powerful, that it looked like a single bright point.