Days UNKNOWN: The Clash Of Titans, part IV

A ray of psychic powers, so concentrated, that it was able to cut anything in its way, got my weapon and almost my neck, but I managed to evacuate with a shadow walk. Then I had to run, as the High Queen's fury went after me. She began trashing everything in front of her, as she chased me.

I didn't notice it back then, but I was able to scratch her cheek a bit with my attack, which made her absolutely nuts.

It would probably end badly if not for a sudden Druoag's entrance. Speeding like a bullet, he leaped off the ground and rammed into her, sending her bubble away. She hit the ground, and bounced off, but was then able to catch herself inside the protective sphere.

Then ground under her split, and both halves, massive blocks of stone, slammed together, then crumbled around her, creating a ball of crushed rock, surrounding her like a prison.