Days UNKNOWN: The Clash Of Titans, part V

'Shadow whispers' saved my life. The fury and hunger of the thoughts tormented in The Void had to overwhelm even a mind as powerful as Ixa's. I once also experienced it, but now I was able to pass through that space freely thanks to my skills.

She didn't have that luxury, so as she stepped into the domain of my thoughts, she had to pay the price, since her presence was unwelcome.

She got back up from that hit quite fast, though, so I also had to face something. Her furry.

She chased me, zooming through space thanks to her psionic powers, and she was actually faster than me, as I soon learned.

She launched herself after me, causing a powerful shockwave, and loud noise, as she breached the barrier of sound. She reached me, and I had to react, so I shadow walked to escape her telekinesis once again, but the situation was quite dire.