T.D.o.N.B: Conference in Loistavadvaar

A few days showed me that not only were things around Celestine normalized, but she was also happy about it. I got to enjoy that happiness every night. Soon, though the lingering problems on a different level reminded me about themselves.

"We need to speak", I heard in my mind. It was The Great One. "Bring William to Loistavadvaar. He should also participate in this conversation."

"What the heck is going on?", I asked in response.

"I will explain everything in Loistavadvaar. Come as soon as possible", He told me.

I found it quite annoying, but despite that, I headed to Will as soon as I could. As usual, I barged into his office, annoying the crap out of the blondie secretary. She at this point was done with me and didn't even try to stop me, but I felt her glare on my back.

- I hope I'm interrupting something important - I said as my welcome.