T.D.o.N.B: Expansion

- We should start by acquiring more seeds, and building more cities. We need to grow trees and consume their fruits. It's the only way. It will be a slow procedure, which will require a lot of effort, but I believe if we, in time of peace, spread ourselves thin, we might be able, at least in a way, to catch up to our enemies. We need a few incredibly strong warriors. People, who would be able to pierce through the enemy lines, and go all the way to their trees, while the rest distract the soldiers. They don't consume their fruits, instead are leaving them for their masters who are long gone - said The Great One.

He was still walking around us, which looked so unnatural, as the High Queen would always levitate. I guess that was the only moment when he could allow himself to use his legs properly, instead of just hovering above the ground all day. 

- But where do we get those seeds from? - asked Will.