T.D.o.N.B: What does it mean, to be a hero

My family and I spent some quality time cooking altogether. It was a rare case since I usually had something already prepared.

I think all of us really enjoyed it, despite being tired after a whole day of hunting.

Eventually, the meal was prepared and we sat down by the table in the dining room. The light outside, which we could see through the windows, was already getting dimmer, heralding the coming night.

- So what's the plan? - Tihana suddenly asked me. - How do we split people?

- I thought you would take care of that - I admitted, stabbing a piece of grilled chicken with a fork, then shoving it into my mouth.

She rolled her eyes.

- What? It's not me who knows how who is the most capable, and who isn't. It's you - I explained myself, stabbing some steamed vegetables, just to do what I did with the chicken.