T.D.o.N.B: Orc hunters, part I

- So far so good - I said looking a the hunters led by Tihana, as they slaughtered the last orcs in front of the entrance to their dungeon.

The sun was frying us in the canyon, and the walls made it hard for the wind to give us any cooling, so people were quite sweaty because of all the physical activity.

- Yeah - John agreed with me. - I thought it would be worse.

His part of the group was active before the last skirmish, and now they were resting at the backline, picking up the stones, while my daughter's group went to the frontlines to deal with the rest of the monsters.

- You got decent - I admitted. - Some of you are dragging the group a little bit down, but at least nobody got hurt worse than a couple of shallow cuts.

- Not everybody went full-on with the battle-appropriate classes and skills - he pointed out.