T.D.o.N.B: Aftermath of the 'party' incident

The next day, after a short breakfast, I announced that I'm going to visit Loistavadvaar to get stronger. They told me to take it easy, but I already had my own plans. This was just a facade that I needed to build before really going after the city in the sky. My true goal.

To do that, though I also felt like I should get stronger, just in case. Even Ixa wasn't able to conquer that place. As a matter of fact, some were saying that she returned with her tail between her legs after her attempt to conquer Aaraam'soturi. The only one who knew the truth was The Great One, but I didn't want to ask him, just in case he would have a different opinion on my idea about going there.

After all, it didn't really matter. I knew she failed, and that was a big enough clue for me to strive to increase my power.