T.D.o.N.B: The boss and the young blood

- You know who I am! - he said loudly, almost shouting.

Nobody dared to answer.

- There are rules in this city. Rules made by me. You have to register all duels, and they have to be supervised. This one was neither registered nor supervised. It's unlawful, so it won't happen - he informed everybody.

- You are already here, then why don't you supervise this? - he heard in response from the young asshole.

A lot of people jumped on those words from the safety of being among others in the crowd, so we heard a couple of loud voices agreeing with what he said, which kinda spread around even more.

I guess it pissed Will off, although he didn't let it show on his face. Instead, he snapped his fingers, and suddenly there were like a thousand swords in the air, all pointed at the poor guy, whose eyes got wide. I took it as an indicator of my friend's anger.

- It's fine, dad! I can do it - suddenly Leonel joined the conversation.