T.D.o.N.B: Looking for solutions

The family showed up in the house all grumpy, obviously because the day, like many before, went terribly for them, so the fact that I asked them to sit down to talk straight away caused a small rebellion.

Some wanted to take a shower first, and others complained that they are hungry, but in the end, they did listen. We sat by the empty dinner table, and I told them how the situation is unfolding. Then I proposed a way out.

- I know you won't like this, but it's them who started playing unfairly. As you know, I spoke with Will and Daniel, and it was actually their idea - then I sighed. - I'm waterboarding you a bit too much t this point. What I'm trying to offer is, that I'll help you hunt in the hardest possible areas, because those are the only free ones at the moment.

Silence answered me. All, except Celestine, just stared at me, while my wife looked at the rest, expecting somebody to say something, but nobody did.