T.D.o.N.B: The demonic land

Will picked for us quite a dangerous spot. At first, I didn't know, because he just sent Tihana some direction via a message, but when we arrived, carried by my 'Telekinesis' and 'Fly' skills, I immediately knew what we will have to fight against.

It was a broken land, like many others, but this one had pools of lava filling the crevasses present everywhere. There were also a lot of lonely stones poking out off the ground everywhere. Further, on the horizon was rather a short mountain. You could see its flat peak, with a structure on top. Well... You could if you had eyes as keen as mine. There was a pathway spiraling around it, leading to the top, but that wasn't something you could notice from such a far away distance.

I simply knew it, because I already visited this place, back in Petrograd.