T.D.o.N.B: Three nasty guys

I kept my mouth shut despite knowing where the enemies could be hiding. Most of them were obviously hanging around the lonely mountain, but there was some much closer too. 

My family, remind on high alert as they walked through the territory, slowly approaching the first crevasses, with some sharp stones sticking out of the ground further beyond.

- Watch out - Tihana announced suddenly. - They are hiding in the holes.

It made Celestine and Leonel turn to face the closest one, as they suspected the danger to crawl out from that hole. It was literally exactly what happened. A seemingly normal guy just came out of there, followed by three more. They looked like normal humans in black robes.

All three had chains around their necks, and a knife by their belt.

This view confused the shit out of my family. I knew it was very dangerous, not only because those monsters were strong, but also because they were quite the wolves in sheep's clothing.