T.D.o.N.B: A little more serious than usual

- They look like humans! - Carmelita pointed out as soon as everybody assembled around me.

- So? - I asked. - Doesn't matter how they look. They are monsters. Everything the device creates around the city is fake. They are shaped like humans, but that's all. Besides they transform.

- It still feels wrong - she responded.

- Well... We have this place booked, so we should clear it. I can say, just to comfort you, that further, the enemies look like proper monsters - I told her.

- Yeah, very comforting - Tihana said not hiding irony.

She clearly didn't care how they looked. Their power level was much more important. 

- We shouldn't waste time on idle chat. There is a lot of ground to cover - Leonel pointed out.

It was so obvious, that nobody tried to discuss it with him, we just started walking. Carmelita seemed really scared. She was grasping her staff tightly, looking carefully around. The rest was much calmer, but still on high alert.