T.D.o.N.B: Top of the hill

- Um... Dad? - Carmelita was the first one to speak.

She turned to look at me, but I noticed she was discreetly peeking at the others. She was embarrassed, for some reason, and you could spot it easily by how she behaved.

- C-could you help us clear t-the rest? - she asked.

Despite speaking to me, she was more focused to keep track of the reaction of the rest of the group. To the point, I barely felt like she was talking to me. It was quite annoying, but her behavior was quite understandable if you knew that the rest didn't really want me to do everything for them.

- I-i think it's a waste to leave now... - she added.

Her voice was becoming quieter and quieter with each word. I wanted to roll my eyes but stopped myself to not upset her in any way. She had enough on her mind by going against something the rest of our group was announced from the start.