T.D.o.N.B: Stepping into the arena

- The moment I step into this circle - I pointed at the stone slabs. - He is going to rise from death, and transform. He is extra strong, extra fast,  and will use the sword that lies next to him. But this is all quite ordinary. What's different about this guy is the aura around him. As long as you stay in this aura, he feeds off your life force. You will get weaker, and he will get stronger. Flames don't work on him at all. And getting founded only pisses him off more, and increases his overall power, so if you think you can tire him down, or chip away at his body, you are wrong.

- So you have to destroy him with a single attack? - Leonel asked.

- Pretty much - I confirmed. - I once cut his head halfway off, and he kept going. I also put a hole in his whole torso, which still didn't stop him. But that was me, and I can pack a punch. For you, it might be impossible, as the guy is tougher than anything we fought here so far.