T.D.o.N.B: Identical tactics

Mister samurai didn't do any follow-up, as he was also out of gas. Panting heavily, he did his best to utilize the short pause in the fight to regenerate his strength, while my daughter had to regain control over her senses.

She shook her head after a moment, clearly getting rid of the confusion, and immediately began approaching her opponent once again.

Satoshi Tanaka's response wasn't ready to spot. You needed a lot of knowledge to be able to notice, since the equipment in the arena wasn't picking on the quiet noise, rather focusing on what was loud because of space that needed to be covered, and the loud audience. People like me or Will would notice, but everybody else? I doubt it.

His chest was moving slightly like he was doing something with his breath, which combined with slight moves of his nostrils made me believe he was humming a melody. His katanas responded to it by vibrating ever so slightly, which also wasn't easy to spot.