T.D.o.N.B: The trap

Such an obvious dance put Satoshi Tanaka on high alert. He knew that something was going on, just as everybody else who watched the fight. The only question was what exactly Tihana was trying to pull off. 

I knew because I'd seen a form of this attack, back in Petrograd. It was good to deal with the bosses, especially for her, since she had the speed and dexterity to pull it off.

For my taste, it was too complicated and needed a long time to be prepared, so it, to be frank, was completely useless in the fights on my level. With the speed and scale of attacks usually pulled off by the opponents I faced, there was simply no room for it.

The Japanese guy continued with his chant, so he also was preparing something, but except for that, the just observed, as my daughter was making circles around him, tightening them with each second.