T.D.o.N.B: Aaden

It was painful to watch. Tihana just couldn't win. She didn't have the strength or any hidden ace in her sleeve which would work on her opponent. The guy bested her at the game of speed and had plenty of good cards to play, which he still didn't use.

To me it was obvious.

They clashed again, exchanging blows, striking sparks, but only for a dozen seconds, or so, before the second scimitar went flying. This time closer to the wall, away from the trap. Yet again he was first to get to the weapon. Tihana was about to pull something from her armory to keep on going, but she was barely able to stand.

Suddenly Will appeared behind her, placing his arms on her shoulders. She turned around ready to punch him, but almost fell over her own feet. He grabbed her at the last second, preventing that.

- And like this, we have an intervention from the boss himself. Ladies and gentlemen, mister William - Bruce announced.