T.D.o.N.B: Leonel VS Aaden

- I hope you are ready because in a moment we are starting our third match! - Bruce announced.

- It's the last moment to grab a drink and a snack because when we start, you bet the action in the arena won't let you even blink! - Matthew added.

As they spoke this, for the first time I felt a little bit nervous. Leonel's fight was different than John's and Tihana's. I didn't really care that much about the first. With the second, I was a bit frustrated, that she refused my help, while both of us knew the other side would do anything, they possibly could, to win.

My son, though, had the most serious approach to this. He felt responsible for the whole thing. From the ferry start, he wanted to do good, so when I offered a hand after it became clear that the other side is not playing fair, he accepted it.

Now he was standing there, in the sandpit, about to put his skills to the test. I didn't want him to lose, which was making me feel this way.