Next day of school George decided to walk to school with Marty, his newest friend at school. He was really super intelligent and really good at sports. On the other hand Annie was continuosly spying on George in the beginning of school. During lunch break George pulled Annie's hand and with anger in his eyes he asked with horrific voice about why she was following him throughout the day. Because of anger George's hand started to glow bright. George controlled himself to stop that mega kid transformation. Annie just smiled and said that he is thinking too much It's just a coincidence. George left her and told her not to get in his sight for today, its enough for a day. But while walking back Annie had a smile full of satisfaction on her face.
George was just about to leave for his class when suddenly a wall near him blew up and a corner of school building collapsed. George rushed towards Annie to check she's safe or not but he was unable to find her it was all mess. First thing came to his mind was maybe she is under broken wall laying fainted. George stepped backward and checked that no one is looking at him. He was just about to suit up and become mega kid to find Annie when someone hitted him hard from behind. A normal human would have collapsed there but George is not normal at all. He stood up and saw a giant creature with four legs and two hands it was like a dinosaur but was not actually a dinosaur
While George was analysing the creature a girl with pink costume came up from nowhere and broke a bone of that creature, it was screaming in pain when George finally turned into mega kid and stood between that girl and creature. He stopped the girl from attacking it. The girl was staring at him in anger but she had no other choice. George tried to talk to that creature through his action. He understood that something was troubling that thing. He putted his hand between that creature's fingers and saw a door of car cutting deep in it's skin. George took of that door, it was covered with silver blood of that creature.
While George was looking at that blood, that creature moved away. That girl who helped george was in a pink costume. Her face was covered with a mask. You let that ting go away like that, that girl said aggressively. Let it be I will catch it later, By the way people call me Glorious-Glitter but you can call me GorGit for short. She shook hand of mega kid and ran away. George was still not sure about what happened but that hand shake was giving him weird vibes.