After the incident of that giant creature at school, George suspected that it May be a coincidence or maybe someone has found out who George really is. George took some sample blood of that creature to investigate further. On the other hand Annie was still spying on George from a distance, she was taking help of her smart sister Hayley who was studying in the same school.
While George left for home after school, Marty his new friend went alone for some domestic work. But it was not the case. He was suspicious about that incident. He wasn't able to digest the fact that a giant monster attacked on a school for no reason and from nowhere two super kids appeared and handled the situation within time, even before media arrived, he also saw a kid doing something with that creatures blood. The question was how were those super kids get to know about that situation and there were only two possible solutions that were. Either it was all pre planned and those kids bought that creature with them or those kids were at the school at that time. But the thing which was troubling him more was why a school kid was collecting a monsters blood while the heroes were arguing at a side.
George reached home. He threw his bag and ran towards the small lab of his. He took that creatures blood and placed it in a preservation tube, so that it does not get damaged by any sort of micro organisms. He waited till night for Joe and Charlie to return. once they were home he told them the whole incident and asked to find out what kind of creature is that. After dinner Joe and Charlie got to work they conducted all the necessary tests and observations but the most difficult part was its cells were so different that they cant exist on earth. Its every atom's structure was completely different, every element and compound present in its body never existed on earth and even cant exist in future until and unless every atom on earth changes its form, and if that happens whole earth every single stone and bacteria on it have to change.
After hearing all this george found out a possible way of that creatures existence and that was that the creature is not from this earth it's origin is another planet or another earth from multiverse. It was the only possible solution to that question.
But still a question remained was how that creature traveled from another planet to earth