Chapter Five: A Dinner for Two

"What was that," Father turned to Grimm.

"I'll take care of it sir."

Father smiled, "Good my son, and remember, fail and I starve you again."  Tapping Grimm's shoulder, Father disappeared into the crowd, signaling to Grimm he must move.

Arya watched as the man approached her, turning she went to disappear into the crowd as well, but then something grabbed her arm, "Where do you think your going..Elf," he was now holding her arm, but worse, he knew she was an elf, but how. Heart racing, she tried to calm herself, then she thought, "Unhand me theif!" Struggling more, he simply threw her into the ally.

Grimm approached the woman. "What are your intentions?" Getting up on her feet, she used her magic to summon a guss of black smoke to blow off his cloak. Both the woman and Grimm stood there, ears exposed, hers bigger than his. "Trying to see who I am, what will that accomplish?"

Arya, confused, she ment to knock him over, but such a tiny attack came from her, but that was the least of her issue. Now she looked at the man, an elf like her, helping a man so corrupt. "What is wrong with you....helping a man like that, hurting your own kind, other innocents, TAKING PEOPLES FAMILIES!" anger began to swell in her, "I can still remember all the lives taken by humans, I tried to save so many, but ones like Oswald Grimm will forever haunt me.

Grimm stood still now, frozen in place, "Oswald?"

Arya looked at the elf once more, he was crying now, "How dare you cry, you monster" she couldn't hold in her feelings anymore "I, Arya Chatowä will right the wrongs in this world!" She slammed her hand against her chest now.

Grimm now felt weak, looking at the elves blue eyes, he wiped his tears away, "I Elrod Grimm, was alive too at one point" he stood there, opposite of Arya, wind blowing there cloaks. He now walked towards her and stopped infront of her, "Did Oswald...suffer?"

Arya, releasing what was happening, she calmed down. "Father Escobar killed him in an instance," she looked at the shattered man once man, examining him once more, she realized that he's broken, shattered like a glass, repairable, but most difficult, "Was he your son?"

Grimm turned and stepped a little ways away, "Some time ago, I was happy, then as your anger shows, I too despised humans, became a man I'm not proud of, and here I am now," Grimm rushed over to Arya, and he hit the side of her neck, like trying to break brick.

Everything going dark, she couldn't hold consciousness for long, and then she fell out of it.

Father Escobar walked around the corner, "Good my child, now we dine on her corpse," Grimm looked at Father as he put Arya onto her shoulder,

"Wait Father, I know I'm in no situation to make demands or request, but I ask, may I keep her?"

Father raised a brow "Keep her? You're my slave boy, do not think you can have another by your side!" Grimm started putting his hood on, "She could be a valuable asset though, her magic can be useful, I sense strong healing magic in her. We could extract it or use for your better good."

Father walked and signaled Grimm to follow, "You bring up a good point. Fine you may, fail me, and I won't starve you, but I'll kill you myself."

Grimm gulped what was I thinking?!

Arya now awakens in a cell. Cold, damp, dark, she looked at her shackled arms. Where am I?

Then the man from before came up to the cell, "Awake now, good,"

Arya looked at Grimm, now confused. Her muscles had also felt sore, indicating that she must've been hanging there for quite some time now.

Grimm pulled a chair from out of Arya's view, and he sat on it. It creaked under his weight, for how old this wooden chair was, suprised it didn't break, collapse. "I know you must be confused Arya, but I'd like to make a proposal," Grimm is now extending his hand outward to her.

Arya had suddenly felt a great weight released from her. Her arms fell to the ground, smacking it. Looking at the shackles, she can see that they were made of magic, and seeing how Grimm extended out his to her, she assumed this was his magic, his doing. Lifting her sore hand, she took his, and slowly stood up, "Yes, I humbly except your offer."

"I did not say the proposal though?" Grimm, confused by Arya's response. "Well if you want to decline, the proposal is we beco-"

Arya griped his palm harder now "I don't want to die in a place like this, if I can get another chance to kill that bastard," her eyes were fired up, something that no amount of water could easily distinguish.

"We'll be on our way then." Grimm opened the cell, walked in, then with his right palm, he conjured a magic circle over his chest, and pulled out his Sycthe. It was as tall as him, with a sleek black design, the point sharp enough to cut through metal if cut correctly. With that Sycthe, he began to cut the very fabric of time, making a portal leading elsewhere.

"Wha- where, what??" Arya stared with a confused, yet intrigued glance. "If you could've done this the whole time, why haven't you escaped?"

Grimm sighed, "That just shows how powerful of an enemy you made. Father Escobar isn't no ordinary weak old man, or he'd be dead then." Grimm took Arya's hand once more, and the two walked into the black abyss, now closing behind them.