Chapter Six: The Purrr-fect Familiar

Arya came flying out the portal, and crashed against the ground. Rushing back to her feet, she began to frantically look around, seeing where Grimm sent her, but now she began to think, where the hell is Grimm? Looking at where the portal was, it was no longer there, this bastard had abandoned me, when I find him-

"Uh, miss Elf, are you ok?"

Arya, suprised, spun around to face the mysterious person, and what she was meeted with, wasn't what she was expecting, an angel."Uh, you're an a-a-angel? Wasn't your kind, erased?"

The angel now, stared with a confused glance, "Well clearly not. I also would prefer it if you called me by name, names Angilo Ceres." He now stood like he was underneath a stage light.

"Yeah, I won't be doing that. How do I leave th-"

"YOU WILL SAY MY NAME MEER ELF!" The angel raised his voice, but none softer than a scream from a fairy.

"That was a pathetic scream."

Angilo now curled in a ball and cried, "Why must you hurt me this way," he had snot coming out his nose.

"Your weird, I'm busy, and goodbye," Arya turned and went to go, but then Angilo grasped her leg.

"WAIT! There is a reason why you've been sent here."

"There's a reason to why I've been sent into the fucking sky? That's like the samething to telling me there's a reason why humans exist!" She had her hands in a fist now, anger boiled over.

"Wait, don't hurt me, but Grimm sent you right?" He stood up, wiping his face with a handkerchief.

She now started to calm down, realizing she'd been impatient and frustrated for no reason. Taking in deep breaths, she looked around her scenery. It was like a small traditional human village, but the land was uprooted and placed atop the clouds. All the homes had a odd textile design to 'em, the doors were wood but a window built into them as well. With the homes, were accompanied by trees and a river to waterfall, birds were many, and it seemed that there food source was primarily what they grew. "Wow, this place is pretty, where am I truely?"

"This is one of the few remaining evidences of us angels existing. This village is called nothing, for we don't feel the need in giving our homes names, when we don't know if we have a tomorrow."

Arya, feeling awful now, got on all fours, "I'm very sorry, I should've have acted the way I did," she was sincere now.

"It is no problem, but follow me now if you could," he gestured his hand to her to rise back up.

Rising, Arya looked at the area they've been in this whole time, a singular tree, with a fence surrounding the grass patch they stood on, with a flower bed beside the house infront of her eyes, she realized she'd been in Angilos backyard this whole time. Following him, they walked inside. A empty room, only a table there was, "Where's all the other rooms, stuff?"

"I merely sleep outside, and all us angels eat together in town hall, we bathe as well there, our homes is for if we start a family. Now come sit down." Angilo pulled out both chairs and sat down.

Sitting from across him, this felt all to familiar to her, just more sane this time. "So, why did Grimm send me here?"

"He wanted you to become stronger, so I'm here to give you a familiar."

Arya, about to explode in excitement, her face was ready to let loose a storm of words, but she settled down, a little, "How is this gonna work?"

"Simple really, I'll make a mark upon your back, and all you have to do is recite the words that come to your head."

Arya, flying out her chair, stripped of her shirt, of course she didnt take off her bra, and turned, "Mark me," she couldn't wait.

Approaching her, Angilo made a mark on her back, cold his magic felt, purely light magic and all, yet so cold.

Putting back on her shirt, she heard a word, "feline virtute," a small cat appeared infront of Arya, it looked like a tiger, orange and black, but it was as large as a house cat, "It's so cute!" She smothered the cat with kisses.

"Now this is were we part ways miss," Angilo smiled and made a portal, like Grimms.

"Wait, what does my cat do."

"Familiar you mean."

"I'll name it Allie."

"It's a familiar, not an actual cat, they're aren't the same."

"So what can Allie do?"

Angilo gave a sigh, "Your, F-A-M-I-L-I-A-R, can perform transportation type magic, and is good at thievery."

"You hear that Allie? Your such a cool cat," the cat meowed as Arya carried it in her arms and approached the portal, "Will Grimm be on the other side? Or will it be the other?"

Angilo stayed quiet.

Arya stared at him, she thinks he knows. "Wait now that I think of it, why didn't Grimm follow, or how does he know you?"

To late for Arya to ask, Angilo started to walk off, "Better take the portal before it disappears, or you'll be stuck here."

Arya bit her lip, then Allie clawed at her face, without her claws, "Your right Allie. Thank you Angilo." She disappeared into the portal now, it now disappearing behind her.