Chapter Seven: Blood Sacrifice

Entering the Animila village, the children gathered around the church to meet father, even the adults, shame they haven't heard of who, Father Escobar really is. Father Escobar smiled at all the children and others, but his inner thoughts were disgusted with this sight. They weren't just anyone, they were Animila kind, so he brought them in. All sat, their was dog and cat kind, bird, wolf, alligator and crocodiles, all hybrids mix with what seemed to be like a human. Father stood in the front of the room, all the kids seat, then with a snap of a finger, royal guards came running in from behind the curtains, slaughtering all of them. Some lost there heads, others chopped up, if lucky, it was a quick stab to the heart. Blood littered the holy church, but one child remained, approaching her, Father grabbed them by there wolf tail and raised them. "Do you know why I did this?" Scared and afriad, the child merely whimpered. "So I may get stronger, so more of you can suffer for existing, you filthy trash," Father grabbed the child by the neck, and begun tearing her apart. Disturbed, some of the royal guards turned away, and listened to the screams. Now Father summoned a large magic circle, in doing so, he collected all the blood, and made it his own. Smiling, he opened his ghoulish mouth, "With power, comes sacrifices." Father walked out the front doors of the church, with the royal guards following. With this blood Sacrifice, Father Escobar looks as if he was twenty once again, and felt as if he was at his finest, strongest, time of his life.