Chapter Eight: The Two Elves

Arya went flying into the stream from the portal. Soaked now, she climbed out the stream. "Last fucking time I'm taking a portal," she felt as if she gained a 100 lbs. Going against the tree, she undressed and hung her wet clothes on the branch and sunk to the ground, "And now I have to be naked or freezing, fuck Angilo and Grimm, who needs men anyways."

At the mention of his name, Grimm came out from behind her, "Says the wet naked one," he took off his cloak and offered it up.

Just as she was about to slap Grimm silly for looking at her naked, she noticed his build seemed off, his body build was lacking in any physical appeals, no muscles, between fat and skinny. But what caught her eye most, was an odd mark on his right arm. Taking his cloak and wrapping herself in it, he put his hand against her back.

"So Angilo gave you your familiar eh? Good, he's not dead then." Grimm moved his hand back and put it into his side pockets.

"You were suprised he was alive?"

"Well last I saw him, he was getting his ass whooped by Demons, thought he would've died of blood lose."

"Then why did you send me to him?"

"Remember, Grim did, not me."

Arya sighed, wanting to forget all this confusing information. Why couldn't it just be simply, let's stab and kill father, but instead we have to do all this, tch."Ah yes, could never forget Grim, he's a lot more entertaining than you are."

"Sorry to kill your mood, but we share our conscious."

Arya grabbed Grimm by the neck, "What do you mean?"

Removing her arm away, he grinned, "He sees and feels what I do," he squeezed Aryas cheeks and kissed her. Pulling away, he simply smirked.

Arya, pissed, punched him in his gut, "HOW DARE YOU!" She stormed off to the stream and sat down by it.

Grimm now felt bad, he ment no harm, but with the temptations of his dark side, Grim, was to great, he needed more resilience. Walking over and sitting by Arya, he looked up in the sky, "Anything you would like to know? I feel I like I owe you now."

Moving her hair aside, she bit her lower lip, "Anything?"

He nodded.

"Who's Grim?"

Taking a deep breathe, he smiled, "I've died many times in my life. Normally one would die, and stay dead, but when I first died, I had regrets, and hate, all swelled within me. Then he showed up, Grim, reaching his Sycthe out to me, he said 'Die or Live.'"

Arya moved closer now, more intrigued.

"Choosing to live, he cursed my life. For as long as I don't marry, I will infinitely come back to life."

"Marry?. Why that?"

"Remember Oswald, well he was my adoptive son, found him and his mother, half dead. Caring for the both of em, I felt like a father, honestly, she was a whole like you, you two are nearly identical."

"Wait, if you come back to life all the time, how old are you truely?"

"145 or roughly close, I've lost count, but I've died atleast thirty times."

Feeling bad for Grimm, she leaned against his shoulder, "Then I can be on you like this all the time since you can't marry," she smirked.

"Just show me your familiar," he threw her aside, dirtying his cloak and standing up.

Rolling over and Summersaulting upwards, she  did a little bow, "Now prepared to be amazed mayfly," she said different words now, Allie, come to me. Before their eyes, Allie appeared, "ISN'T SHE CUTE!!" Arya grabbed Allie and snuggled her to her nose.

Grimm sighed, "That's nice, but we should now hurry off to the Animila village not far from here."

"What about my clothes?"

"Most of the Animila are naked, you'll be fine."

Sighing, she followed Grimm as he began to walk off into the forest.