Chapter Nine: Seperation

Cutting through the tree line, Grimm and Arya stopped for a moment and sat down underneath one tree.

Arya was tired from the walking, seeing as they've been walking for roughly two hours, "Are we-" she takes a breath, "almost there yet?" She wanted to sleep, but the sun was still up.

Patting her head, Grimm gave a devilsh glare, "You're the one who wants to kill Father, and yet you are gonna gi-"

She slammed her palm against his face and stood up. "What!? No mayfly, we'll be going now," she grabbed Grimm's arm and raised him up to his feet.

Grimm smiled, "We should be there in a hour," they began walking into the forest once more.

An Hour and a Half Later....

Cutting through the trees, the two started to smell a certain aroma, ashes. Grimm had put Arya onto his back and started running. Bursting through the final bit of trees, they saw it, a burnt down village. Arya climbed off his back and ran over to the structures.

Arya dropped to her knees at the base of one of the structures, "Tell me Grimm," her voice was shakey now, "Who lived here?"

Walking over to where she feel, he kneeled beside her. Grabbing a handful of ashes, he made a magic circle appear, "Animila kind," the red magic circle consumed the ashes.

Arya started to cry. Why, she wondered, we never meet these people, but knowing a whole village was burnt down, like many others, and she could've made a difference, is what crossed her mind, "If we didn't take those unnecessary brakes, maybe we could've saved these people," Arya began to tear up.

Grimm had now stood up and had finished analyzing the ashes. Taking a deep breathe, he walked over to a specific pile of ashes, standing atop it, it was in the shape of a crucifix, or to humans, a cross. Looking at it with better detailed, he called out, "How long are you gonna wait to ambush us? I know you're all in these piles of ashes!"

Now, emerging from the ashes, Father Escobar's holy knights arose, and infront of Grimm showed up was Father himself. "Ah, so you knew we were still here? Matters not, I'll kill you both here and now."

Arya was quickly grabbed from behind by a holy knight. She struggled to get free. This knight had unimaginable strength. He had grabbed both her arms and binded them to her chest with just one arm while lifting her off the ground, whilst using the other hand to keep her mouth shut,to stop her from using her magic.

Grimm placed his hand on his chest, as a big red circle appeared, he whispered, "May my emotions sharpen my resolve," then came out his Sycthe from a magic circle upon his chest.

As Father dashed towards Grimm, Grimm sliced the air between them, and made a wall of blood appear before him. Quickly, Father stopped himself. With the time Grimm just bought, Grimm turned, threw his Sycthe at Arya, and dashed quickly up to the two. With haste, he placed his palm on the soldiers arm and chanted these words, "Death do you a favor," before the soldiers eyes, his arm turned into dust, and Arya fell to the ground. The soldier, panicking now, got sliced in half by Grimm's Sycthe that he threw earlier.

Arya scurried to grab Grimm's Sytche, and gave it to him, "How did you," she choked on her words, almost afriad to ask, "How did you learn to fight like that?"

Grimm gripped his Sytche tightly now, "The more and more you kill and die, you learn to adapt, normally one doesn't die, I do. Now do you see why, why I fear Father Escobar," Grimm turned to see a giant magic circle being formed in the sky, gold it was, holy it seemed, neither of those he knew.

"PREPARE TO DIE LIKE THE FILTH YOU WERE BORN AS, 'HOLY RAIN'," it begun to rain swords made of light from the sky above. Father gave a smile to all underneath his magic, one of not kindness, but that's thirsty for blood.

Arya knew what she had to do, "Allie!" Allie came out of thin air, popped in like a bubble bursting, the cat looked at the swords and knew what Arya wanted it to do. Going to Arya, Allie put her inside her personal neck pouch, as for Grimm, she tried but he shoo the cat away.

"Get Arya away from here, I'll buy you guys time." Grimm spun his Sytche like a helicopter blade, stopping as many of Father's blades that he could.

As Allie ran, Arya's familiar transport magic has never been said what it truly does. To put it, Arya is unconscious and doesn't know what's going on.

As Allie disappeared, Father's attacks had let up.

"Getting scarred old man," Grimm was exhausted, it could be seen.

Rushing from all sides, the remaining knights not killed by Father's attack stabbed Grimm from all sides.

Coughing up large amounts of blood, they withdrew there swords, and he fell forward.

Walking to Grimm's body, Father Escobar placed his hand onto Grimm's back, "You may have saved her," he was whispering, "But I'll make sure to kill her before my times up. Now this," he kicked Grimm in the face, "THIS IS HOW I SEEK REVENGE AGAINST YOU," Father Escobar kept kicking Grimm's body.

Barely conscious, hardly any blood in him, Grimm rolled over and looked at Father. Taking a kick to the face, and losing some of his teeth, Grimm struggled to stand, but still managed. Hobbled over like an old widow, he cough blood into Father's face, "Try," he coughed more blood and collapsed back down.

"Pathetic," Father spat on Grimm's corpse and walked off.