Chapter Ten: Treyala

Allie ran across the branches, swiftly and without mistake. Taking every chance she could to take a long route, just to avoid being seen by the royal knights, searching for her. Fortunately enough, since this was all taking place in the forest, some of the more dangerous side of the wild life out here, may lash out.

Sitting in a bush now, Allie sat, waiting for the royal knights to pass, but instead, one turned and stared at her.

"What's wrong sir?" One of the knights shouted.

The royal knight that was starring at Allie, now spoke, "I, Sir Julius, the greatest knight ever!"

The other knights sighed, as for they heard him say this many times, "Will vanquish this foe," they said in unison, but with no feeling into the phrase.

"Excatly my men! I knew you guys listened to me!"

Thinking it was safe to move, Allie slowly began to creep away, but then-

"I got you," Sir Julius shouted in triumph, as he was now holding Allie by the tail, he grinned, "Now behold! For we have succeed men!"

All his soldiers began to cheer and praise him.

As Allie was suspended in the air by him, she tried to claw at him, and she hissed repeatedly, but without Arya present, Allie can't perform any other form of magic than her Pocket Pouch Transportation.

Looking as though Allie had failed to protect her master, the ground around the men started to shake.

"Sir?" One called.

"Sir!?" Another shouted.

"Sir!" A final cried in panic.

"What! Can't you see I'm busy admiring my selfish desires to appeal t-" Sir Julius stopped, we had saw was, horrifying. A woman had emerged from the side of a tree, her skin had looked ever do silky smooth, her eyes held a beautiful dark green colour, paired perfectly with her dark brown hair, like tree trunk itself. How was this horrifying though? Well this woman had used the roots of the trees to pierce the hearts of three of Sir Julius's men, and held them in the air.

"Who dare harm this cat!" The woman shouted, making more roots sprout out the ground.

Sir Julius was now wary of his opponent, maybe if u defeat her, I can make her my sex slave, "You'll be defeated by I! The great Sir Julius, and I'll make you belong to me," he grinned, such an ever so disgusting grin.

The woman, angered by the mans foolish words, she walked up to him and looked him in his eyes.

Getting a better look at her, he realized her clothes were made of leaves, vines, branches, sap, basically the environment. "Who are you?"

The woman wasn't amused with this man. Making a root grab his neck, she grabbed a fallen branch beside her, sharpened it, and whispered in his ears, "I know what you filthy barbarians have done," she stabbed the man in the heart with branch, enhanced by her connection to the forest. Looking at the few survivors, she shouted, "IF YOU EVER HARM ANOTHER, FOR NO PROBABLE CAUSE, I'LL TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!"

Scared and frightened, the men dropped their swords and shields, and ran.

Allie walked from the mans corpse to the woman.

Kneeling down to Allie, she patted the cat, "You're made of magic aren't you? Where's your caster?" She was rubbing the cat's belly now.

Feeling as though she was in heaven, the cats hind leg twitched, as she released Arya. Upon Arya being released, Allie returned to Arya, disappearing.

The woman looked at Arya, sleeping. Placing her palm on her head, the woman could tell Arya was well, just tired. Going to take off Ayras cloak, the woman realized she was naked underneath! "Why is this beautiful las, asleap!" The woman now started to wrap Arya with leaves, to keep her warm.

Hours went by, and Arya awoke. Slightly turning her head to her right, she saw a strange, but beautiful woman, beside her, she was human though. Oh shit oh shit oh shit, Arya was panicking. I must've been captured! But how or, what am I going to do!?

The woman turned to Arya, "Oh you're awake!" The woman leaned in to Arya's face, "How you feelin?"

Arya was perplexed, "boobs," Arya was starring at the woman's breast now, "Your boobs are bigger than mine," all panick and worry left Arya, now she felt defeated.

Placing her hands on her breast, she looked at the woman, "Yours are bigger," Arya sat up, letting the leaves fly off her, once more, just in a cloak.

The woman laughed, "Your a silly elf!" She fell backwards, cranking out a good, long, hardy laugh.

Arya pouted, "Hey," she crossed her arms to.

The woman wiped her tears away, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know, let me introduce myself. I'm Treyala." Treyala extend her hand outwards, waiting for a handshake.

Arya decided to mature up, and take her hand, "And I'm Arya!" The two now shook hands.

"I hope we can be best friends." Treyala smiled.