Chapter Nineteen: The Boy and Girl


"Yes sister?"

"Where are we?"

The cage rattled. The girl was holding tightly to the boys arm. As the cage rattled in the back of the wagon, the driver turned around. "Hey! I told ya's no talking!"

The girl looked down sadly.

"Leave my sister alone," the boy said, in a low menacing tone.

The driver took off his cap, exposing his elvish ears, "I swear to your little non-existent lives, of you don't understand that I'm the one in charge! I will beat you up!"

The girl coward.

"You low life scum of this world y-"

The driver halted the horse and got up.

The two slammed into the side of the gate when they cake to the stop.

Opening the gate, the driver took the girl and tossed her on the ground. "Just because shes four and you're six, don't  mean I won't lay a hand on ya," he pulled his fist back to strike her, but then he was stopped.

The boy was standing on the back of the wagon, holding the elves arm, "I said leave her alone," his eyes were filled with hate, and a desire to dark to mention.

"Or what?"

The boy laughed, "Demon Art Style 1-Brutual Strength," the boy ripped off the elves arm.

"AHHHH!!!!" His blood gushed everywhere, onto the boys face, the girl, and elsewhere. He keep screaming, but eventually he fell over and died of blood loss and shock.

The boy hoped off the back of the wagon and on the mans corpse. Looking to his sister, he walked of the body and hugged her, "Are you ok?"

She held him tightly, "Thanks to you brother."

He let go off her and she latched to his arm. Looking around, they were in the Dead Forest. From what he recalled from books he's read, Dead Forest was land owned by the elves when they traded other living beings, something the humans copied about them. The two began to walk, trying to find their way out, but with the heavy fog and constant ambient sounds, they treaded lightly.

"Where are we going brother."

The boy pat his sister's head, "Somewhere safe for you," but he heard a crack. Something or someone had stepped on a twig, not to far. Looking around, he knew they couldn't reside in the trees, for they lacked any leaves. The ground though, they could be behind any tree or ditch, for the fog can mask their presence. Not like any normal fog, this one had blocked magic abilities from working as intend, only those that effect the user physically truely worked.

"Im scared," she whispered underneath her breathe.

Footsteps began stepping on many twigs.

Raising his right arm, the boy extend his claws, preparing to attack, but becasue of his youthfulness, his claws hadn't fully developed.

Out the fog came a man. Human too. "Are you ti lost," he said in a soft low tone.

"What do you want," the boy shouted, waving his claws at the man.

"Oh yes," he looked down at himself and patted his chest, "You two mustn't trust me because I'm human, am I right," he raised a brow.

"Not that I don't trust humans," the boy looked at his sisters face, lost in the mark the man from ealier left on her, "But I don't trust anyone who wishes to harm my sister!"

The man looked at the girl, "Oh, so you two are twins I take it," he said lightly.

The boy raised a brow, "Shouldn't you be afraid of me? Us?"

"Why would I?"

"Because we're demons?! You know, the most hated race right beside humans!?"

The man laughed, his hair bounced with his head. Wiping his tears, he extend a hand, "I know, but I believe everyone has a chance to be different, and that their race shouldn't define them," the man gave a great smile. The smile seemed to radiate joyous feelings, one you couldn't find in a world like this. His black hair and red eyes seemed to belong to someone who would wish for all life to burn, but his smile is that of what a goddess would have. No, not even a goddess would have a smile like this. This smile gave the boy hope.

Taking his hand, the boy assured his sister to trust him.

She went up to the man and tugged his shirt.

Kneeling down, he was eye level with the boy, and looked down to the girl. Placing a hand on both their heads he rubbed them, "Yes little one?"

"What's your name," she inquired.

"My name is Danny Grimm," he smiled.

"You're old, any kids," the boy was curious now, and to wanted to know more about the man.

"Two, but they're trouble makers, so I had to leave."

"How could you leave your children?"

"Simple," his expression grew serious, "I'm the most hated person to them." The man swoop up the girl and put her on his shoulders, "So let me make amends by taking of you two," he smiled and walked off, the boy following.