Chapter Twenty: Father and Son

Landing in the first checkpoint, the boy looked at the gaurds. Charging him, he simple slashed their heads off with his claws and began running to the gate. Reaching it, he smashed it with his foot, "Thanks sister," he whispered to himself. Running through the forest, he confidently knew that Father Escobar and the other humans wouldn't be able to catch up with him now, he decided to finish his mission and go to Dead forest.

After three hours of traveling, Arya stayed quiet the whole time. The only awake of her group, she watched what this child had done. She, deep inside, felt empathetic for him. Walking through an odd fog, Arya couldn't see anything, but inquired how the boy did if he hadn't even checked to see if they were still knocked out. Arya looked at Grimm and the others. Don't worry guys, I'll protect you, she grinned.

"You won't need too," the boy said in a low growl.

Arya would've jumped if she could have. "What? How did you know?"

"When my blood interacts with others, I can read their thoughts."

"I assume you're a demon, yes," Arya looked down at the boy, first she was suspended in air.

"Yes. And as a demon, I can tell you that all our blood magic has different properties."

"What about the one who you call 'sister?'"

"She's my twin, and her blood magic can enhance other people's attributes."

She pumped her fist, I-

"'I knew it?'"

"Yeah," she sighed.

In the clearing, the boy saw a cabin. The boy had put everyone raised by the blood webs against the wall of the cabin. The boy knocked on the door and the rested his sister beside Grimm and he went back to his normal self.

Arya stood up, patting herself off, "Your how old?"

"15, shes 13."

Arya let out another sigh. "Is this your place seeing how powerful you are?"

"Nope, my masters."


A man walked out the door. He had a gray beard and hair, red eyes and he was dressed like Grimm. He pat the boys head, "Thanks boy," he lifted the girl up and patted her back. He took the girl and and had taken her to her room.

The boy had copied and taken everyone else but Grimm and Arya inside onto the couch.

The man came out, "Boy, can you watch our guest while I stay out here."

The boy went in and closed the door.

Arya looked clueless and looked around, " look familiar," Arya lifted Grimm up and he started to open his eyes.

He extended out his hand, "What's your name?"

She took it slowly, "Arya," she said warily.

He smiled, "Nice to meet you Arya, names Danny. Danny Grimm."

Arya's eyes had widened, "Father of Elrod and Oswald Grimm?"

He nodded.

"But you're a human!"

"I am."

Arya was puzzled. Everything she believed...wasn't right. Treyala was right. "What about his mother?"

The mans eyes had glistend over, "She was something else.."

"Wait, if you're Elrod's father, arent you over 200?"

He nodded once more. "And before you ask how, I'll show you," the man had taken his head in his hand, twist and turned it off his neck. His body then collapsed on the ground.

In shock, she dropped Elrod onto the ground and he jolted awake.

"I'M AWAKE," he bounced upwards. Standing beside Arya, he looked around. "Where are we? And what's with the body?"

She bit her lower lip, "That...that was your dad," she was still in shock of what he did.

"Huh, so my old man killed himself...intresting."

Before their eyes though, the body had risen again. The head that was torn off had turned to ashes and regrown back on the body. "All better now," he said cheerfully.

Arya nearly fainted, but she fell into Elrod's arms. "Thanks," she said weakly.

"So you're my Father?"

"My boy! I'm so glad that you're awake now!" He came in and awkwardly huge both of them and reminded his steps. "Tell me, how's Oswald?"

Elrod froze.

Danny sighed, "Should've known this would've happened."

" since your my dad-"

He looked up at him, "Yeah bud?"

"Why am I like this?"

His father pondered the question for sometime. "I guess it has to do with who I am."

Grimm looked up into his red eyes. "Well, that's the purpose of genes."

Arya looked to side, obviously bothered by that failed joke.

"Anywho," Danny glared off into the distance, "Let me tell you of my powers," he began to wave his palm about, in a fine circular motion.

Grimm and Arya stared, not in amazement though, they were greatly unimpressed, but rather curiously.

Before their very eyes, a red magic circle appeared where Danny's hands had gone.

"Dark magic?"

Grimm had silently thought as what Arya said.

"To be precise," Danny made the circle disappear, "cursed magic."

"So does that mean my magic isn't me being cursed, but is cursed magic," Grimm pointed at himself.

His father laughed, "No silly, you're cursed."

Grimm sighed.

"By me as well," he pat Grimm's head, as if he was trying to bond with him with a good ol head pat.

"Why would you curse me though," he inquired.

Danny looked up, and  caressed his beard, "I cursed you so you may never die," he looked at Grimm, "and seeing as you never seem to have your gaurd up, you've probably died a lot."

Grimm opened his mouth and raised his finger to argue against his fathers assessment, but went quiet because he was right.

"My curse on you allows you to have enternal life, but I had to alter your memories too."

He raised a brow.

"So you wouldn't come lookin for me, and so you would feel a even stronger sense to protect your brother," Danny looked to the side, "But as I can see, he's dead, so my plan backfired."

Arya felt personally attacked and gripped her chest. They looked at her and she motioned them to ignore her.

"Anywho," Danny talked on, "That's also why I've been alive for this long, unlike your mother," his words froze, as if he spoke more than he should've.

"What was she like," Grimm spoke to break his fathers 'curse.'

"She was my world. And as you know, being half-elf, she was pure breed elvin blood. Her skin was ever so silky smooth, pale to others, perfect to me. Her eyes, a beautiful blue colour, and paired with her midnight black hair. It was as if she was the very embodiment of what the word 'night's could be. What made her even more attractive, was who she was. Never wished harm upon another, she saw the good in everyone, even us humans and demons, those looked down upon most."

Arya bit her lower lip, the more he spoke, the more she thought of what Treyala said, how, not all humans are bad.

Grimm's father sighed, "Alas, her kindness was her weakness. She died trying to help others, and was killed by natural cause, and I wasn't even able to see it, to try and prevent it," the old man fell to his knees and began to cry.

Grimm went to approach and comfort his father, but he immediately stopped crying.

"Sorry,I have no right to act like I have feelings now," he stood up and wiped his tears, "for I failed to be a good father and husband in the end," he stared at Grimm, with a sudden determination, "That's why I'll give you a gift to help you, my final act."