Chapter Twenty-Three: A Bargin

Grimm was writing something done on a blank piece of paper. A note, he sumrised, something to leave before long. Finishing, he left it on the coffee table and peered out the window, it was dark and the fog still set, he didn't have to worry about the others being attacked while gone. Stepping outside, Grimm could here just crickets playing their desperate melody, in attempt to make their existence known. Placing his palm upon his chest, he need not recite the same words over and over, death is painful memory he couldn't escape, and he withdrew his Sycthe afterwards. Using it to cut through the air, he made a portal to his mind, and in the mist of the night, he walked through. Emerging out and in his mind, a place between what was real and not, he looked around, his alter ego no longer in sight. Not wanting to waste time, he made another portal, and went through. He was in a place forbidden for him to set foot in, and as soon as he touched the ground, he was knocked cleanly out from behind. Waking from a daze, a angel stood before him. Examine the room, he noticed he was brought to an interrogation, and two angel knights were there before him. A wooden round table placed between him and his captures, and keeping him put was some sort of magical spell, bonding his hands together, to the wooden chair he resided in. The room was made of marble, a beautiful white, along with some extra touch-up to it. A colour gold ran through the room, like a stream found naturally. Grimm groaned. "I know I'm not legally allowed to be here, but I need to talk to Angilo."

The angel's looked at each and back at him.

The female knight stepped forward. "Grimm."

Grimm looked up at the female knight, "Simmer?"

The knight took off her helmet, exposing her blonde long hair, going to her waist. Her green eyes glistened in contrast. She pursed her lips, strong of a red colour. "Why are you here?"

"I told you, I'm here to speak to Angilo."

She looked down, and back to the other knight, "You wanna tell him?"

The other knight stepped forward and took off his helmet. A male angel, with blond hair and green eyes as well, "Heya Grimm," the man said hoarsely.

"So both the brother and sister are here, Simmer and James. What are you going to tell me?"

James lips had quivered, the he said in a broken voice, "Angilos dead."

"Ah darn, well that sucks," he said throwing his head back.

"Christ! Can't you ever show any emotions of caring about another," Simmer slammed her hand on the table.

"How could you say such a thing?"

Grimm gave a blank stare to the both of them, "Death isn't new, so how did he die?"

Simmer wanted to gut Grimm, but James held her back.

"We were running a reconosance mission on the demons, seeing as how lately we've seen them out in the open. When we were grouping up, they got Angilo. We looked for him days on, till we got this," James slide over a picture over the table. Only beings capable of taking pictures are demons,for they use the blood to recreate the image.

Grimm picked it up and examined it. It showed Angilo, wings torn off and hung behind him, bloody. From that Grimm can tell it was done through force. Looking closer at Angilo, his face was horribly disarranged, nose was busted, one eye gouged out, cheek torn, like of someone ate from it. His lower half was a different story. His whole lower half was torn off, you could see his intestines were sticking out. Grimm put the photo down, "This works good for me in a-"

Simmer suspended Grimm in the air now. She was choking him out at this point. Anger flurried in her eyes now, "How dare you!"

James came up to her side, picking the table back up from when she tossed it over getting to him, and placed his hand on her shoulder, "Kill him on our sacred grounds, whether right or wrong, you'll be banished."

She dropped him. "I know but," she cried now, "But Angilos dead, and he stuck his neck out, defended such filth."

Grimm slowly picked himself up with just his legs, and looked at Simmer. "I know I seem to be evil, and I'm heartless, but why I came here to ask Angilo, was for help."

The two looked at him, and James snapped his fingers, releasing Grimm of his shackles.

He rubbed his wrist, "Finally," he looked at the two, "Me and a group of others are going to kill Father Escobar."

Their eyes widened.

"But he's stronger than is angels!? How?!"

Grimm smirked, "Have faith Simmer."

"Ok, but why do you need our help?"

"We caught demons working with them, and if that's the case, we'll need more than three of us to hold em off. By agreeing to lend some angel support, you give my infiltration team time to kill Father Escobar, and you get your chance back at the demons."

Simmer and James looked at eachother, the nodded.

"We'll see how many we can gather to help. You know how to contact us, just give me the where and when, and some of us will be there," Simmer put her helmet back on.

"Thanks," Grimm turned and walked to the wall, pulling his Scythe out, and create a portal, "And actually," he stood for a bit, "At the news you shared with does hurt to hear Angilos dead, but...," Grimm tightened his grip on his Sycthe, "I won't mourn those of the past, when those here now need me," he walked in the portal, taking a last look at Simmer and James.