Chapter Twenty-Four: Distraction Team

Grimm appeared outside. The sun was rising, and outside, Arya. Wrapped with a little blanket, and against the side of the cabin, he went over and sat with her. When he wrapped his arm around her, and leaned in, she awoke.

Drool was coming down her lip, and she wiped it. Turning to her left, she saw Grimm, and he put on a stupid face. "Why didn't you take me with you?"

Their heads now rested on one other. "Well you see, I needed you guys to collect yourselves, mentally, so when it came time to attack, no mistakes."

They turned and looked at one another now. Pulling her hand from out the blanket, she placed it on his cheek, "Y'know, I would say I'm more capable than you are," she said in a low tone.

Coming to open the window, Jack angrily walked over, "Damn Grimm, flying solo. Who does he think he is?"

"Would you shut it already," Treyala yelled from upstairs to Jack.

He pouted, "If she hadn't save my life, I wouldn't be I guess," coming up to the window, he saw both Grimm and Arya talking. He was thinking of ruining the moment between them, but after Grimm losing his father, and knowing how it feels to lose your kin, Jack walked away, "He owes me."

Grimm leaned in, lips not to far placed from Arya's, "Oh? Name one."

She locked her lips with his. Pulling back, she smirked, "I am a better kisser," she said spinning her finger, and poked his nose, "And I treat others with more respect."

Grimm pulled his arm back, clogging his nose, "But you're stinky," he waved his hand, as if flapping away the stench.

"What the heck! I give you a kiss, and you repay me like th-"

He kissed her back. Cradling her in his arms, hers wrapped around his.

Quickly, the door slammed open inward and the twins came running out. Grimm and Arya quickly pulled away.

"Grimm," Girl shouted, jumping on his back.

Standing, he reached his hand over and rub her head while she held onto him, "Missed me?"

"I did!"

Arya stood as well, patting the dirt off her.

Boy came upfront to Grimm, "Elrod, we've got work to do," he said in a low serious tone.

Grimm patted Boy's shoulder, "Sorry champ, just came up with a plan. Could you gather everyone in the main room?"

Boy nodded and took his sister with him.

"You've formulated a plan while you were gone?"

Grimm started for the door, "The reason of my disappearance was to get this plan into motion, so tomorrow is game day."

Both Arya and Grimm walked in the main room. On the couch was Jack, Puer and Treyala. Arya went to the window and leaned against it, while Grimm went to the other side of the coffee table, with the twins beside him.

Placing both his palms on the coffee table, he looked at everyone, "Ready to hear my plan?"

They all nodded.

The following day, it was early in the morning. Arya, Jack, Treyala and Puer were outside the first checkpoint of the human kingdom. Peering through the bushes, they saw the gate. Remembering the plan, all they had to do was break open the first gate and cause a ruckus. They were giving title of, Distraction Team. Arya looked at Treyala as she looked at her.


Treyala stepped out the bush and was immediately spotted. Before the knights could get the archers to fire, she touched the ground and made many roots sprout from below, crushing the gates and the wall, making it collapse, "We're through!"

Puer ran out the bush next, covered in bark, "Improvised bark armor," Puer remembers Grimm suggesting he should try this technique, since he is connected with nature, he can enhance the effectiveness of that found naturally. Raising a shield made of bark, and held by roots and moss found back at the cabin, he lead the charge, "On it!"

Arya then climbed up onto Jack's back. Jack had completely turned into a wolf, a third the size of what Allie can be, but large enough to carry one person. As Puer and Treyala charged forward, blocking arrows from hitting Jack and Arya, more and more knights were showing. Jack had finally got Arya past the wall, but they got surrounded by loads of knights.

"We've got you surround," shouted the commander, "Hands in the air were I can see 'em!"

Arya raised her hands, then made eye contact with the commander, "Light Magic-Soaring Flare," from her right hand, a flare shot up and traveled high into the air, but as it exploded, it turned a black colour, "Dark Magic-Dark Smoke."

Jack grabbed Arya by the waist and tossed her back onto him.

The knights all began to charge, but then stopped once they heard a certain noise.

"Sir," one man shouted from the wall.

"What is it!"

"Their's an army approaching from above," he pointed upwards to the hundreds of angels flying in.

"Christ almighty."

Grouping up, Jack changed back to his normal form, while Puer and Treyala joined them.

"Must be the reason why Grimm left," Treyala said, panting.

Looking at them, Arya glanced back at her friends, "Indeed."

"So why does he need us still here then?!"

Puer looked into Jack's eyes, "Remember those demons?"

Jack nodded.

"I bet you it's got something to do with them."

At that call, Puer was right, demons Hell-knights began to swarm the air. Like the demons Puer and them meet before, they looked the same, but they wore armor. A lavenderish blend to it, blood red streaks dragged across it. The armor had pointy shoulder gaurds and only covered their chest, knees, elbows and head. A slot for them to stick out their tongue was there as well, but only for the purpose to immediate. The Hell-knights screeched a horrendous sound, one if amplified any louder, could burst all their ear drums. Everyone but the angels and demons covered their ears. After they finished screeching, they engaged the angels.

"Now we gotta keep the gaurds occupied," Puer said, as he bashed his shield into one and stabbed him with his hand, which be shaped as if it were a sharp blade.

Arya pulled out her bow and began picking some off, "And if you need healing, come to me!"

"Or me," Treyala shouted as she slammed two knights into each other.

Shredding through the knights with his claws, Jack growled, "I hate that Grimm guy...being smart and all," he flicked the blood off his fingers and nails.